Despite seeming of little consequence, traffic citations and DMV issues can be complicated with substantial impact. Whether it’s increased fines, insurance premium hikes, or suspensions of one’s license, it’s important that anyone cited in North Carolina know his or her options and rights.
The attorneys at McCartan Law understand the gravity of even the lowest-end infraction and represent our traffic clients with the same zealous attitude we do for those charged with more serious offenses. And in many circumstances, North Carolina traffic law affords attorneys to represent people without forcing them to appear in court.
Excellent Attorney
Chris recently represented me in a dwi charge that he was able to get dismissed completely. Chris is an excellent attorney that will guide you through the entire process and let you know every aspect of a case and how he plans to fight for you. He is very knowledgeable and helped me through a very stressful time. I would recommend him to anyone seeking legal counsel and though I never plan to need his services again, I would hire him again in a hearbeat. Thank you for all of your help Chris.Very understanding, confident and professional
Chris was wonderful as he delivered the best defense for me!!! So glad I chose him..he always told me not to worry and for 2 years i had this dwi over my head like i couldnt move foward..but he got strait and to the point questions and proved my innocence!!! The judge said ” NOT GUILTY”!!!@ that is all i prayed to hear!!! i would Highley recommend him to anyone in this situation!!! Thanks so much Chris!!!!Chris Goes Above and Beyond
He put my best interest into practice and fought for a very favorable outcome. I would definitely recommend Chris to anyone in need of a defense attorney.Excellent Attorney
I’m so thankful for Chris McCartan. He is an amazing attorney and human being. My husband had a tough case against and Chris went above and beyond for us. I cannot thank him enough for all he did for us. He communicated with us throughout the whole process and never once sugar coated anything. If you need legal help, I would 100% recommend Chris McCartan.Gave me my confidence back
He told me not to worry and relax and now I understand why. Absolutely awesome attorney. Thank you.Privacy Policy © McCartan Law – All rights reserved.