Curious about where we thrive within the law?
Driving While Intoxicated
Defending people charged with Driving While Impaired (DWI/DUI) constitutes the largest part of McCartan Law’s representation. We encourage all potential clients to take their time and ask questions before choosing an attorney.
Creative strategies are particularly necessary in DWI defenses, as the vast majority of the evidence used against an individual is tendered by trained witnesses (police officers and chemical analysts).
Simply being charged with DWI and having a Blood Alcohol Content of .08 does NOT make one guilty of the offense; it is the burden of the State to prove the elements of the offense and to validate the process by which the investigation was conducted.
While penalties related to a DWI conviction can be harsh, in many circumstances, they can be mitigated.
Traffic Violations
Despite seeming of little consequence, traffic citations and DMV issues can be complicated with substantial impact. Whether it’s increased fines, insurance premium hikes, or suspensions of one’s license, it’s important that anyone cited in North Carolina know his or her options and rights.
The attorneys at McCartan Law understand the gravity of even the lowest-end infraction and represent our traffic clients with the same zealous attitude we do for those charged with more serious offenses. And in many circumstances, North Carolina traffic law affords attorneys to represent people without forcing them to appear in court.
Family Law
Nobody thinks about terms like ‘alimony,’ ‘custody,’ equitable distribution,’ or ‘child support’ when they’re at the altar. The realty, however, is that more than half of us will deal with separation and divorce in our lifetime. IT’S NOT AS SCARY AS YOU THINK. Handled properly, family law situations can leave represented parties treated fairly and in a position to move on to the next chapter of their lives.
We serve all family law and domestic law defense in North Carolina.
Personal Injury Law
A very old legal maxim requires that “[t]hose who seek equity (justice) must come to Court with clean hands and a pure heart.” Until one is personally injured in a collision or negatively affected by medical services received, it may be tempting to rely on urban legends such as “whip lash” and “sponges left in the body” as an attempt at unwarranted recovery. And it is unfortunate that some do take advantage of insurance companies by making fraudulent or exaggerated claims, as this makes the world all the more skeptical of even those with legitimate damages.
McCartan Law seeks to represent people who have real injuries and real losses. It is selective in accepting cases for representation, wanting to help injured and wronged people through difficult times.